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Definition of a VFS (Vegetative Filter Strip) for CERSA’s (Center of Excellence for Regulatory Science in Agriculture) 2018 Workshop on Innovation and Regulation in Agriculture
Author: Giulio Ferruzzi (USDA-NRCS)
Effectiveness of vegetative filter strips based on modeling with VFSMOD or fixed reduction percentages from European regulatory framework
Authors: Robin Sur (Bayer Crop Science), S. Reichenberger (Knoell Consulting), P. Srinivasan (Knoell Consulting), H. Meyer (Bayer Crop Science), C. Kley (Bayer Crop Science)
Identification of Transport Processes, Herbicide Source Area Variability, and VFS Effectiveness in a High Agricultural Intensity Catchment
Authors: Michael Winchell (Stone Environmental), Hendrik Rathjens (Stone Environmental), Robin Sur (Bayer Crop Science), Dirk Beats (Bayer Crop Science), David Lembrich (Bayer Crop Science), Florian Krebs (Knoell Consulting)
Identifying NEMO: An application of crop modeling for strategic nitrogen recommendations adapted to given soil and climate
Authors: Morteza Mesbah, Elizabeth Pattey, Guillaume Jégo, Kristen Murchison, (all from Agriculture and Agri Food Canada, Canada)
Incorporating Vegetative Filter Strip (VFS) in the US Regulatory Environmental Exposure Assessment
Authors: Jessica Chen (Bayer Crop Science), Dean A. Desmarteau (Waterborne Environmental, Inc), Amy Ritter (Waterborne Environmental, Inc), and Jane Tang (Bayer Crop Science)
Regulatory Implementation of VFS as a Mitigation for Transport of Pesticides via Runoff and Erosion: The European ‘Reduction Efficiency Factor’ Approach
Authors: Eric Henry (BASF), Beate Erzgräber (BASF), Jane Tang (Bayer Crop Science), Robin Sur (Bayer Crop Science)
Results of a 2018 multi-stakeholder workshop on incorporating the benefits of vegetative filter strips into aquatic risk assessment and risk management of pesticides
Authors: Laura McConnell (Bayer Crop Science), Danesha Seth Carley (North Carolina State University), Jane Tang (Bayer Crop Science)
The Importance of Temporal Inequality in Quantifying Vegetated Filter Strip Removal Efficiencies
Authors: Heather E. Preisendanz (Pennsylvania State University (PSU)), Daniel Schultz (PSU), Tamie Veith (USDA-ARS), Sarah Goslee (USDA-ARS), Alfonso Mejía (PSU), Ciaran J. Harman (Johns Hopkins University), Cibin Raj (PSU), and Paul Patterson (PSU)
Use of Remote Sensing Data (OpTIS) to Monitor Adoption of Conservation Practices
Author: David Gustafson (Conservation Technology Information Center)
Vegetative filter strips for the protection of surface waters from pesticide runoff
Authors: Ross Breckels, Tim MacDonald, and Mélanie Whiteside, (all from PMRA, Health Canada)
VFS Factsheet from PMRA, Health Canada
Authors: Ross Breckels and Shannon Ing, (all from PMRA, Health Canada)