Plenary Presentations

Please see below to access the recorded plenary presentations from the workshop. Click on the image under each title to watch the presentation on YouTube.

Aug 31, 2020

Advances in VFS Modeling – Rafa Carpena, University of Florida  [PDF slide deck]

Continuous modeling of vegetative filter strip (VFS) for pesticide removal under Pesticide in Water Calculator (PWC) scenarios – Yuzhou Luo, California Department of Pesticide Regulation  [PDF slide deck]

USDA-NRCS Perspective on Runoff Mitigation from Irrigated and Rainfed Agriculture – Giulio Ferruzzi, US Department of Agriculture – Natural Resources Conservation Service  [PDF slide deck]

Sept 1, 2020

Proposed Approach to Incorporate VFS into the Canadian Regulatory Framework – Mélanie Whiteside, PMRA  [PDF slide deck]

Overview of VFS MOD explorations conducted to date by PMRA – Johnny Westgate, PMRA  [PDF slide deck]

Sept 2, 2020

Farmers and Conservation Practice Adoption – Deanna Osmond, North Carolina State University  [PDF slide deck]

Summary of Field Study to Validate VFS MOD – Clint Truman, Syngenta  [PDF slide deck]

Sept 8, 2020

EPA Perspective on VFS – Kevin Costello, Amy Blankinship, and Steve Wente, US Environmental Protection Agency  [PDF slide deck]


One-Slide Summaries of Presentations

Objective 1:3 Approaches to quantify VFS function for regulatory assessment

  1. Run-off Mitigation – Regulatory Status in the EU/Robin Sur, Bayer Crop Science
  2. Advances in VFS Modeling/Rafa Carpena, University of Florida
  3. Overview of VFSMOD explorations conducted to date by PMRA/Johnny Westgate, PMRA
  4. Proposed Approach to Incorporate VFS into the Canadian Regulatory Framework/Mélanie Whiteside, PMRA
  5. Continuous modeling of vegetative filter strip (VFS) for pesticide removal under Pesticide in Water Calculator (PWC) scenarios/Yuzhou Luo, California Department of Pesticide Regulation

Objective 2: Field approaches

  1. Summary of Field Study to Validate VFSMOD/Clint Truman, Syngenta
  2. USDA-NRCS Perspective on Runoff Mitigation from Irrigated and Rainfed Agriculture/Giulio Ferruzzi US Department of Agriculture-Natural Resources Conservation Service
  3. Farmers and Conservation Practice Adoption/Deanna Osmond, North Carolina State University